Friday, November 28, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Sweetest Curse

I have one question: can we please stop calling things on the internet "porn?"  I see it everywhere, food porn, earth porn, and even tech porn.  I'm getting sick of it because porn isn't something good. It's bad.

Pornography originally defined any sort of art depicting prostitutes or prostitution (thank you, Webster's).  That's people who sell sex.  They're not too high on anyone's hero list (unless you're an internet feminist). 

Porn caters to base lusts. It's degrading and disordered. To quote everyone's favorite Republican VP hopeful and loudmouth, "you can put lipstick on a pig..."

The Day the World Went Away

One year has passed since my grandfather died. Life has been very different since then. I've started a new job in a different city on the other end of the state. I'm a little closer to some family members I used to consider estranged and a little further from side that I thought were inseparable. I'm busier than I ever thought I would be and far more blessed than I ever expected.

I miss him, even after the passed time and multiple life changes. I didn't know him as well as some of my family did, but I do remember always looking up to him. He knew everything and never seemed to doubt himself, like so many other men from his generation.

He was also very religious. He was sort of a backbone at his parish. I remember going to mass with him after I came back to the church. He was reverent and joyous. I got in line for communion and he was right next to the priest, handing out the Eucharist and our seemed like that was right where he belonged. That's the biggest take away right there. Say what you want about the old man, he loved the Eucharist. That was his big deal.

I want to be a better Catholic in honor of his memory. I want to keep that party of the legacy alive. James Wyss, pray for us. Don't spend too much time in Purgatory. See you in Heaven.