Monday, October 13, 2014

Water, Water Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink

Last week was the week from hell. We had painters in the house, multiple doctor appointments, and work was stressful. I was pretty relieved that Sunday had finally come and I could finish putting my house back together, relax a bit, and enjoy some time with the family before starting in on next week. I finally got everyone to bed and settled down to watch the new Supernatural episode. I ignored the odd musty smell in the basement because I hadn't emptied the dehumidifier in a couple days, put the clothes on the dryer, started the dishwasher, and then happily went to sleep expecting a quiet morning ofwentfee and re-attaching cabinet doors. My house had other ideas, though.

I woke up this morning to splashing sounds and little footsteps running through the kitchen. My sleepy mind assumed that it was one of my kids trying to get an early morning glass of water from the refrigerator and spilled some. I ignored it and rolled over. The splashing persisted. I roused myself from my bed and went into the kitchen to see what was going on. There was water everywhere. It was in front of the dishwasher and I started to freak out a bit because my coffee-starved brain assumed the dishwasher self-destructed while I was sleeping. So I went went downstairs to get the mop bucket and there was more water. This stuff was yellow and smelled terrible and since it under the pipes near the upstairs toilet I assumed the worse.

My panic levels were rising because all the kids were awake and they wanted breakfast NOW and any minute my wife was going to wake up and I would have to have to figure out a way to explain to her that the dishwasher AND toilet quit in a spectacularly messy way. I started to furiously mop up all this water and I got the kitchen more or less dry. I headed downstairs to do the same, mercifully there is a drain less than three feet from the basement puddle and everything liquid is in the unfinished utility room. I started feeling better about this when all of a sudden my head started getstingwet. I look up and water is coming from the ceiling. I wasn't really surprised at this point but I wad a little disgusted since I still assumed this is from the toilet. I threw a bit of Pine Sol knock off on the floor to sanitize the mess and set to cleaning up the big pantry cabinet next to the puddle and dry off the pipes. Things finally looked pretty dry so I headed upstairs to look for a plumber.

Thumping and screaming interrupted that endevor.  My four-year-old son who we will call Mr. J sliped on the damp kitchen floor and fell down. I went to calm him down and send him back into the dry side of the basement when I noticed that there was ANOTHER puddle on the floor. Dammit. So I got Mr. J changed and grabbed the mop again. I came back upstairs and my wife was standing in the kitchen. She asked what happened and then grabbed some paper towel to clean up behind the refrigerator. I started mopping again and she told me that she found the leak. It was the water line to refrigerator's ice maker and door water dispenser.

I calmed down a bit and even managed to shut off the water to the refrigerator while still leaving water in the bathrooms (and more importantly the kitchen - coffee maker) running. We solved the problem and I eventually got to the cabinets. I managed to get a laugh out of it all in the end and learned once again that the wife is usually right. Good one, house. I'll get you next time. 

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